1. General Science and Environment

Questions on general science and Environment will cover general

appreciation and understanding of science including matters of every

day observation and experience as may be expected of a well educated

person who has not made a special study of any particular scientific


2. Current Events of National & International Importance

In current events knowledge of significant National and International

leveling will be tested.

3. History of India and Independent India

In History, questions of general knowledge related to social, economic

and political aspects will be asked. Also, there will be questions on

Indian National Movement and Development of Independent India.

4. (1) Geography of India

There will be questions of general knowledge relating to

Physical, social and economic geography. It will also

include questions on Indian Agriculture and Natural

resources. There will be questions pertaining to

demography and census of India.

(2) General Geographical awareness of world.

5. Indian Polity and Economy

Political system and constitution of the country, Panchayati Raj, social

system, economic development, elections, political parties, plans,

industrial development, foreign trade and economic and financial


6. Sports

Important games and sports tournaments, Awards and personalities

for M.P., India, Asia and World.

7. Geography, History and Culture of M.P.

There will be questions related to the development of Mountains,

rivers, climate, Flora and Fauna, Minerals transportation in the

Geography of Madhya Pradesh . It will also have questions relating to

important dynasties of M.P., Contribution of important dynasties in

the Histroy & Culture of Madhya Pradesh, There will be questions on

Tribals, Arts, Architecture, Fine Arts and Historical personalities of


8. Polity and Economy of M.P.

Political system, Political partities and elections, Pachyati Raj, Social

system and economic development of M.P.. This will also include

questions on Industry, Plans, Economic programmes, business,

demography and census of M.P.

9. General Mental Ability

Numerical ability, reasoning, coding, data analysis and interpretation

and analogy.

10. Information and Communication Technology

Questions pertaining to characteristics, uses, and terminologies such

as website, online, search engine, e-mail, video mail, chatting, video

conferencing, hacking, cracking, virus and cyber crime